
Ivan Gasparovic on Relations with Hungary: Let us Forget the Past

15.06.2007, 08:30

With regard to relations with Hungary, we should forget the past and look for ways to positive cooperation, Slovak President Ivan Gasparovic said at Thursday's press conference.
According to the president, Slovakia has no major problem with Hungary that would have to be solved on an international level, or at a "tough collision" level. There are, however, many politicians on both sides who always find ways to make use of a certain problem to support their stances with unacceptable and unnecessary ramifications affecting citizens of a particular region, the president said. "We have mechanisms and ways of stopping such acts by politicians," Mr. Gasparovic stated, and continued by saying that he considers his meeting with Hungarian President Laszlo Solyom on university grounds in Slovakia and Hungary to be one such measure. The Slovak president expressed appreciation for the positively developing relationship of the foreign ministers and speakers of parliaments of both counties. "Here is an opportunity to take a positive attitude toward some problems of the past. My credo and my policy in this relationship are: let us forget the past and look to roads ahead, roads to future positive cooperation, toward which our memberships in the EU, NATO and V4 are directing us," the president said.

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