
Opposition Announces it will Try to Oust Prime Minister Fico

28.11.2007, 06:37

Three parliamentary opposition parties has gathering signatures of their deputies for a proposal of a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Robert Fico. It plans to send the request to parliament by the end of this week, said the leader of the Slovak Democratic and Christian Union -- Democratic Party (SDKU-DS), former Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda. Also the leader of another opposition party, the Hungarian Coalition Party (SMK), Pal Csaky voiced support to the plan, on behalf of SMK deputies. The chairman of Christian-Democrats, Pavol Hrusovsky, however did not attend the news conference, as the KDH leadership was holding its meeting at the same time.
The opposition wants Mr. Fico's head on a plate because they believe that the prime minister bears primary political responsibility for suspicious land transfers at the Slovak Land Fund that cost Agriculture Minister Miroslav Jurena his ministerial chair. Mr. Dzurinda said that the board of trustees manages SPF activities. Together with the supervisory board they were constituted on January 24, 2007. Seven SMER-SD nominees sit on the SPF board of trustees together with two representatives of the Slovak National Party (SNS) and other two people nominated by the People's Party -- Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (LS-HZDS). However, the scandalous deals were signed only on April 10. The new director general of the fund, SMER-SD's nominee Miloslav Sebek took up his post on May 16. Prime Minister Fico reacted to the scandal only on November 12, under pressure from the media and the parliamentary opposition. Mr. Dzurinda therefore asks why Mr. Fico did not act when it was his people who are responsible for the fund's activities. Moreover, the Cabinet adopted a resolution on January 31 that recommends the SPF head approves sale and exchange of land plots only with consent of the Cabinet. Mr. Dzurinda asks whether the scandalous deals were green-lighted by the Cabinet, in line with that resolution or SPF organs simply ignored the resolution.

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