
General Conditions for Using Hillside Hotel Online Hotel Reservation System

12.03.2007, 23:00


Complete the text using these words

costs; charge; terms (2x); provides; at; authorized; prior to; liable (2x); therefore; consent; related; show (2x)


Hillside Hotel ………(1) online hotel reservation services to the customer. The customer must read and agree with the following …………(2) and conditions. If the customer does not intend to accept these …………(3) and conditions he/she is engaging in the use of this site …………(4) his/her own risk and Hillside Hotel shall not be held ……..…(5).

Having booked the room, you have signed a contract with the hotel and you are …………(6) subject to the hotel cancellation conditions. We strongly recommend you to read the conditions before proceeding with your reservation.

When making a reservation with a credit card, you …………(7) to pass on your credit card details. The credit card which you use for making a reservation must legally be your own or you must be legally …………(8) to use it. By clicking on "I agree" you are confirming that you are an authorized user the credit card.

In case of ‘no …………(9)’ (not arriving at the hotel) or violation of the cancellation conditions, the hotel may …………(10) a penalty to the credit card used for your room reservation. In case of ´no …………(11)´ or cancellation of your reservation later than 5 working days …………(12) the scheduled time of your arrival we are forced to charge your credit card a fee of Euro 6.50 as compensation for our administrative …………(13).

Currency rates and costs …………(14) to foreign products are subject to permanent fluctuation and the hotel cannot be held …………(15) for the accuracy of prices at any particular time on this site.

In the case of any essential changes in the information related to your booking, we will contact you by

e-mail, telephone or fax


Read the text and decide if these statements are true or false.

1.    It is necessary that the customer who wants to book the room through this system reads this information.

2.    Booking a room through this system is not safe.

3.    To book a room you must have a contract with the hotel.

4.    Under certain conditions you may use a card of another person to pay for your reservation.

5.    You need not do anything to inform the hotel that you have a legal right to use the credit card.

6.    If, despite your reservation, you do not come to the hotel, you will have to pay a fine.

7.    You will have to pay some money if you cancel your reservation in the period of 5 working days

   before the announced arrival.

8. The customer will be informed of any important changes in the information related to his reservation.

prior  – pred (časovo), liable – zodpovedný, therefore – pre,  consent – súhlasiť,  intend – mať v úmysle,  engage in the use – zaviazať sa používať,  be held – byť považovaný za,  proceed – prikročiť k, ďalej pokračovať v, violation – porušenie, fluctuation – kolísanie,  be subject 
podliehať niečomu 

1 provides, 2 terms, 3 terms, 4 at, 5 liable, 6 therefore, 7 consent, 8 authorized , 9 show, 10 charge, 11 show, 12 prior to, 13 costs, 14 related, 15 liable;
TRUE: 1, 4,  6, 7, 8
FALSE: 2, 3, 5



1. Has she ..................................... to this place before?
2. The house is ..................................... turned into a homeless shelter.
3. She hasn´t ..................................... told the truth.
4. I have ..................................... writing report all afternoon.
5. Has she ..................................... sleeping on the sofa?
6. You are not ..................................... honest with me.
7. How long had you ..................................... waiting before you got the job?
8. The proposal should have ..................................... discussed last week.
9. The battery has been .................................. charged for 12 hours.
: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8
being: 2, 6, 9


a.  He raised his hand ..................................... his head.
b.  The water was ..................................... my waist.
c.  Can you spread the cloth ..................................... the table?
d.  There was no name ..................................... the door.
e.  He loves her ..................................... all.
f.   The sky ..................................... was dark.
g.  Susan and I had a nice chat ..................................... a cup of tea.
h.  Their new house is high ..................................... the village.
i.   Don´t cry ..................................... spilt milk.
j.   Their results have never been ..................................... average.
k.  Did they have much influence ..................................... you?
l.   His victory ..................................... the Liberals came quite unexpected.
m. The temperature is five ..................................... zero.
n.  The baby fell ..................................... the cat.
o.  My room was just ................................... .
p.  You are dirty all ................................... . What have you been doing?
r.   What he said was ............................. me.
s.   As (it was) stated ............................ we expect the situation to improve soon.
t.    The army gained power .......................... the country.
u.   Henry fell asleep ................................. his work.
above:  a, b, e, f, h, j, m, o, r, s
over: c, d, g, i, k, l, n,  p, t, u


amorálny t. j. nemorálny, nemravný = immoral, dishonest, corrupt, evil, obscene, perverse, sinful, unethical etc.

amoral = bez vzťahu k etike/morálke, neriešiaci vzťah k pojmom ´dobro´alebo ´zlo´ Physics is an amoral discipline. Animals are amoral.


An amoral person nevie vôbec o existencii morálky, o morálnych normách/princípoch napr. babies, insane people.

An immoral person vedome porušuje morálne normy či diktát svedomia. Pri konaní, správaní alebo činoch ľudí používame immoral. Babies are amoral, while adults can often be immoral.


apartmán = suite; apartment sa používa v americkej angličtine vo význame “byt”


box (šport) = boxing; box znamená škatuľa: a cigar box, a matchbox


cenzúra = censorship

a censure označuje silnú kritiku/nesúhlas to come under severe censure


dementovať = deny, disclaim

to dement znamená “priviesť do stavu šialenstva, spôsobiť, že niekto zošalie”, demented znamená “neschopný zdravého úsudku resp. konania následkom stavu veľkého znepokojenia, hnevu alebo rozrušenia a označuje aj duševne chorú osobu“ She was nearly demented with worry when her son didn't come home; the man is demented – he can’t stay at home 


Telephone Language

Asking for someone/Chcete s niekým hovoriť

Could/May I speak to Mr. Martin, please? – Mohla/Mohol by som hovoriť s Mr. Martinom?

I'd like to speak to Mr. Martin, please. – Chcela/chcel by som hovoriť s… .

Could you put me through to someone who … /to Mr. Martin, please?

                                               Mohli by ste ma prepojiť na niekoho, kto…/na Mr Martina?

Could I speak to someone who …  ­ - Mohla/Mohol by som hovoriť s niekým, kto …?

Could I speak to the person responsible for/in charge of …? Mohla/Mohol by som hovoriť s niekým, kto je zodpovedný za …/má na starosti …?

Can I have extension 321? – Môžem dostať klapku …?

Is Mrs Pen in (the office)? – Je tam pani Pen?

Is Jack in? (neformálne)Je tam Jack?


Connecting/Putting someone through/Prepájanie

Would you like me to connect you/put you through to Mr Alm? (možná reakcia: - If you could.)

                                               Želáte si, aby som Vás prepojila na p. Alma?

One moment, please. I'll check that she's in her office. – Moment, pozriem sa, či je v kancelárii.

Just a moment please. I'll see if Mr Jones is available. ­– Moment. Pozriem sa, či je tu/či má čas.

I'll put you through. = I'll connect you. – Prepojím Vás.

I'm connecting you/putting you through now. – Prepájam Vás.


No connections, explanations/Nie je možné prepojiť, vysvetlenie

I'm afraid + the line's busy. – Bohužiaľ /Je mi ľúto, je obsadené.
he's in/at a meeting right now. – ..., práve má poradu/je na stretnutí.

he's tied up at the moment. – ..., je zaneprázdnený.

she's out of the office but I expect her to be back shortly. - ..., je mimo, ale príde skoro.

she's not in the office today. ...., dnes nie je v práci..

he's on vacation. He’ll be back on Monday/on 2 May/in two weeks. ..., je na dovolenke. Vráti sa v pondelok/2. mája/o dva týždne.

she's on sick leave. – ..., je chorá..

he's on another line at the moment. - ..., práve hovorí na druhej linke.


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22. december 2024 19:56