stdClass Object ( [id] => 96164116 [title] => Nenechajte za zahnať do pekla emócii, reaguje Susko na protestujúcich v Bratislave. Poukázal na vládu Matoviča [alias] => nenechajte-za-zahnat-do-pekla-emocii-reaguje-susko-na-protestujucich-v-bratislave-poukazal-na-vladu-matovica [catid] => 2099 [published] => 1 [introtext] => [fulltext] =>

Je smutné počúvať o odvolávaní ministra spravodlivosti, ktorý nájde odvahu bojovať za návrat justície do normálu. Uviedol to šéf rezortu spravodlivosti Boris Susko v reakcii na utorkový protest v Bratislave proti krokom vládneho kabinetu. Poukázal pritom na devastovanie právneho štátu, ktoré sa podľa jeho slov dialo za vlády Igora Matoviča.



Odstúpte, šírenie strachu je zbraň normalizácie. Dosť bolo Fica, kričalo 18-tisíc ľudí pred rezortom kultúry


"Nikdy nezabudnite na všetku tú špinu, ktorá sa valila z úst bývalých vládnych politikov a spôsobila neuveriteľné ľudské utrpenie i materiálne škody. Nezabúdajte na nezmyselné opatrenia a hádky v čase pandémie či obmedzovanie slobody názoru, zhromažďovania sa. Na vypínanie nepohodlných médií bez rozhodnutia súdov, iba na základe vôle politikov," odkázal občanom na sociálnej sieti.

Opozícia podľa Suska ženie ľudí do ulíc počas horúčav a riskuje tak ich zdravie. "Nenechajte sa zahnať do pekla emócii a nízkych pudov, hoci časť opozície ide za výdatnej asistencie médií a umelcov podľa osvedčeného manuálu," dodal.

Tisíce ľudí v utorok na Námestí SNP v Bratislave protestovali proti krokom vládneho kabinetu. Kritizovali aktuálnu situáciu v kultúre, personálne zmeny v kultúrnych inštitúciách a vyjadrili aj obavy o právny štát. Rečníci okrem iného vyčítali ministrovi spravodlivosti rozhodnutie podať dovolanie a pustiť bývalého špeciálneho prokurátora Dušana Kováčika z väzenia. Za zhromaždením stáli opozičné hnutie PS a strana SaS.

[video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [name] => Subtitle [value] =>

Opozícia podľa Suska ženie ľudí do ulíc počas horúčav a riskuje tak ich zdravie.

[type] => textarea [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 1 [alias] => Subtitle ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 61 [name] => Contains Infographic [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 4 [alias] => contains_infographic ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 62 [name] => Without ads [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 5 [alias] => Withoutads ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 63 [name] => Photo gallery [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 6 [alias] => Photo_gallery ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 64 [name] => Promo [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 7 [alias] => promo ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 67 [name] => Contains video [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 9 [alias] => contains_video ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 68 [name] => Premium content [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 10 [alias] => premium_content ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 69 [name] => Exclude comments [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 11 [alias] => exclude_comments ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 70 [name] => Open link in new window [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 12 [alias] => open_link_in_new_window ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 71 [name] => Original crop of the main photo [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 13 [alias] => original_crop_of_the_main_photo ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 73 [name] => No-index [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 15 [alias] => no_index ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 74 [name] => No-cache [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 16 [alias] => no_cache ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 77 [name] => Don't show on the front page [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 17 [alias] => dont_show_on_the_front_page ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 78 [name] => Related on bottom [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 18 [alias] => related_on_bottom ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 79 [name] => Live button [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 19 [alias] => live_button ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 87 [name] => Instant articles [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 28 [alias] => instant_articles ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 89 [name] => Photo gallery item black [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 29 [alias] => photo_gallery_item_black ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 90 [name] => Photo gallery item white [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 30 [alias] => photo_gallery_item_white ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 91 [name] => Instant articles JL [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 31 [alias] => instant_articles_jl ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 95 [name] => Required views [value] => 0 [type] => textfield [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 32 [alias] => required_views ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 96 [name] => Upscore PR [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 33 [alias] => upscore_pr ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 97 [name] => Native [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 34 [alias] => Native ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 99 [name] => Paid article [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 36 [alias] => paid_article ) [35] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 100 [name] => Contains Quiz [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 37 [alias] => contains_quiz ) [36] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 101 [name] => Gallery slide/popup [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 38 [alias] => gallery_type ) [37] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 102 [name] => Article as Gallery [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 39 [alias] => article_as_gallery ) [38] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 103 [name] => Interview [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 40 [alias] => Interview ) [39] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 104 [name] => Important article [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 41 [alias] => Important_article ) [43] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 108 [name] => Linkless article [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 45 [alias] => linkless_article ) [44] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 109 [name] => Show modification date [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 46 [alias] => show_modification_date ) [45] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 111 [name] => Untitled article [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 47 [alias] => untitled_article ) [46] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 112 [name] => Text Characters [value] => 1402 [type] => textfield [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 48 [alias] => text_characters ) ) [extra_fields_search] =>

Opozícia podľa Suska ženie ľudí do ulíc počas horúčav a riskuje tak ich zdravie.

0 1402 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 [created] => 2024-08-13 19:47:23 [created_by] => 5963 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2024-08-13 20:01:59 [modified_by] => 0 [publish_up] => 2024-08-13 20:01:40 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 0 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 0 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.8remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 0 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 14 [userItemCountOverride] => stdClass Object ( [userItemCountOverride0] => stdClass Object ( [userItemCountMenutype] => [userItemCountMenutypeCount] => 10 ) ) [userItemOrdering] => 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stdClass Object ( [relatedItemsMenuitem] => 102891 ) [relatedItemsMenuitems3] => stdClass Object ( [relatedItemsMenuitem] => 100001 ) [relatedItemsMenuitems4] => stdClass Object ( [relatedItemsMenuitem] => 102125 ) [relatedItemsMenuitems5] => stdClass Object ( [relatedItemsMenuitem] => 100008 ) ) [mobileJsonCustomHomepage] => 1 [mobileJsonMultiAuthors] => 0 [mobileJsonAuthorImage] => 0 [mobileJsonIncludePositionData] => 0 [mobileJsonQuoteModule] => 0 [mobileJsonWeatherModule] => 0 [mobileJsonMostPopularModule] => 0 [mobileJsonMostPopularCategoriesModule] => 0 [mobileJsonLimit] => 200 [mobileJsonObituary] => 0 [mobileApiCommentsAlias] => [mobileApiCommentsTitle] => [mobileApiImagePrefix] => [mobileApiImageSuffix] => [mobileApiImagePath] => [mobileApiArchiveImagePath] => [mobileApiCustomArticle] => 1 [mobileApi2Enabled] => 0 [mobileApi2UserAgent] => [mobileApi2AuthUser] => [mobileApi2AuthPassword] => [mobileApi2ImagePrefix] => [mobileApi2ImageSuffix] => [mobileApi2DefaultAuthorImage] => 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Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [ocmSef] => 0 [ocmSefLabelCat] => content [ocmSefLabelTag] => tag [ocmSefLabelUser] => author [ocmSefLabelSearch] => search [ocmSefLabelDate] => date [ocmSefLabelItem] => 0 [ocmSefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [ocmSefInsertItemId] => 1 [ocmSefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [ocmSefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [ocmSefInsertCatId] => 1 [ocmSefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [ocmSefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [emptyModulePosition] => [emptyModuleTemplate] => [emptyModules] => Array ( ) [searchMinimalId] => 20 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 2099 ) [exclude_from_group_by_subcategories] => 0 [getCategoryIdFromPath] => 0 [theme] => default [menu-anchor_css] => menu-group-1 [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [page_title] => Slovensko - správy z domova na HNonline [menu-meta_description] => kauzy, politika, zdravotníctvo a ďalšie zaujímavé správy z domova. 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Opozícia podľa Suska ženie ľudí do ulíc počas horúčav a riskuje tak ich zdravie.

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Bratislave. Poukázal na vládu Matoviča [num_of_authors] => 0 [author] => Joomla\CMS\User\User Object ( [isRoot:protected] => [id] => 5963 [name] => TASR [username] => TASR [email] => [email protected] [password] => $2y$10$1CgGjQD5ovOOg4.cRCmikub/7xoEutOMBiVbvMcbSxGW5eT.Gs0W6 [password_clear] => [block] => 0 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2013-09-03 15:49:47 [lastvisitDate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","timezone":"","interview_articles":""} [groups] => Array ( [3] => 3 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [timezone] => [interview_articles] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [link] => /autor/tasr-5963 [profile] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 5963 [gender] => m [description] => [image] => [url] => [group] => 2 [plugins] => ) [avatar] => /components/com_ocm/images/placeholder/user.png ) [mainImage] => [galleryCount] => 1 [hasImage] => 1 [mainImageAuthor] => [mainImageDesc] =>

Účastníci protestného zhromaždenia, ktoré zorganizovali opozičné strany Progresívne Slovensko (PS) a Sloboda a solidarita (SaS). FOTO: TASR/Jakub Kotian

[popup_gallery] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [src] => [title] =>

Účastníci protestného zhromaždenia, ktoré zorganizovali opozičné strany Progresívne Slovensko (PS) a Sloboda a solidarita (SaS). FOTO: TASR/Jakub Kotian

) ) [bgPosition] => [text] => {OCMSplitter}

Je smutné počúvať o odvolávaní ministra spravodlivosti, ktorý nájde odvahu bojovať za návrat justície do normálu. Uviedol to šéf rezortu spravodlivosti Boris Susko v reakcii na utorkový protest v Bratislave proti krokom vládneho kabinetu. Poukázal pritom na devastovanie právneho štátu, ktoré sa podľa jeho slov dialo za vlády Igora Matoviča.



Odstúpte, šírenie strachu je zbraň normalizácie. Dosť bolo Fica, kričalo 18-tisíc ľudí pred rezortom kultúry


"Nikdy nezabudnite na všetku tú špinu, ktorá sa valila z úst bývalých vládnych politikov a spôsobila neuveriteľné ľudské utrpenie i materiálne škody. Nezabúdajte na nezmyselné opatrenia a hádky v čase pandémie či obmedzovanie slobody názoru, zhromažďovania sa. Na vypínanie nepohodlných médií bez rozhodnutia súdov, iba na základe vôle politikov," odkázal občanom na sociálnej sieti.

Opozícia podľa Suska ženie ľudí do ulíc počas horúčav a riskuje tak ich zdravie. "Nenechajte sa zahnať do pekla emócii a nízkych pudov, hoci časť opozície ide za výdatnej asistencie médií a umelcov podľa osvedčeného manuálu," dodal.

Tisíce ľudí v utorok na Námestí SNP v Bratislave protestovali proti krokom vládneho kabinetu. Kritizovali aktuálnu situáciu v kultúre, personálne zmeny v kultúrnych inštitúciách a vyjadrili aj obavy o právny štát. Rečníci okrem iného vyčítali ministrovi spravodlivosti rozhodnutie podať dovolanie a pustiť bývalého špeciálneho prokurátora Dušana Kováčika z väzenia. Za zhromaždením stáli opozičné hnutie PS a strana SaS.

[event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [OCMBeforeDisplay] => [OCMAfterDisplay] => [OCMAfterDisplayTitle] => [OCMBeforeDisplayContent] => [OCMAfterDisplayContent] =>

Účastníci protestného zhromaždenia, ktoré zorganizovali opozičné strany Progresívne Slovensko (PS) a Sloboda a solidarita (SaS). FOTO: TASR/Jakub Kotian

[OCMUserDisplay] => [OCMCommentsCounter] => [OCMCommentsBlock] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [image] => [imageWidth] => 600 [comments] => Array ( ) [numOfComments] => 0 [absoluteURL] => [emailLink] => /component/mailto/?tmpl=component&template=site&link=eec8b146263af28df836e46b8fbffd4cafed0a15 [twitterURL] => [socialLink] => )
Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [name] => Subtitle [value] =>

Opozícia podľa Suska ženie ľudí do ulíc počas horúčav a riskuje tak ich zdravie.

[type] => textarea [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 1 [alias] => Subtitle ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 61 [name] => Contains Infographic [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 4 [alias] => contains_infographic ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 62 [name] => Without ads [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 5 [alias] => Withoutads ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 63 [name] => Photo gallery [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 6 [alias] => Photo_gallery ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 64 [name] => Promo [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 7 [alias] => promo ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 67 [name] => Contains video [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 9 [alias] => contains_video ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 68 [name] => Premium content [value] => OFF [type] => radio 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photo_gallery_item_white ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 91 [name] => Instant articles JL [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 31 [alias] => instant_articles_jl ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 95 [name] => Required views [value] => 0 [type] => textfield [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 32 [alias] => required_views ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 96 [name] => Upscore PR [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 33 [alias] => upscore_pr ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 97 [name] => Native [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 34 [alias] => Native ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 99 [name] => Paid article [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 36 [alias] => paid_article ) [35] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 100 [name] => Contains Quiz [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 37 [alias] => contains_quiz ) [36] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 101 [name] => Gallery slide/popup [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 38 [alias] => gallery_type ) [37] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 102 [name] => Article as Gallery [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 39 [alias] => article_as_gallery ) [38] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 103 [name] => Interview [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 40 [alias] => Interview ) [39] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 104 [name] => Important article [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 41 [alias] => Important_article ) [43] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 108 [name] => Linkless article [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 45 [alias] => linkless_article ) [44] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 109 [name] => Show modification date [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 46 [alias] => show_modification_date ) [45] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 111 [name] => Untitled article [value] => OFF [type] => radio [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 47 [alias] => untitled_article ) [46] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 112 [name] => Text Characters [value] => 1402 [type] => textfield [group] => 9 [published] => 1 [ordering] => 48 [alias] => text_characters ) )
Účastníci protestného zhromaždenia, ktoré zorganizovali opozičné strany Progresívne Slovensko (PS) a Sloboda a solidarita (SaS). FOTO: TASR/Jakub Kotian

Nenechajte za zahnať do pekla emócii, reaguje Susko na protestujúcich v Bratislave. Poukázal na vládu Matoviča

13.08.2024, 22:01

Opozícia podľa Suska ženie ľudí do ulíc počas horúčav a riskuje tak ich zdravie.

Je smutné počúvať o odvolávaní ministra spravodlivosti, ktorý nájde odvahu bojovať za návrat justície do normálu. Uviedol to šéf rezortu spravodlivosti Boris Susko v reakcii na utorkový protest v Bratislave proti krokom vládneho kabinetu. Poukázal pritom na devastovanie právneho štátu, ktoré sa podľa jeho slov dialo za vlády Igora Matoviča.


Odstúpte, šírenie strachu je zbraň normalizácie. Dosť bolo Fica, kričalo 18-tisíc ľudí pred rezortom kultúry

"Nikdy nezabudnite na všetku tú špinu, ktorá sa valila z úst bývalých vládnych politikov a spôsobila neuveriteľné ľudské utrpenie i materiálne škody. Nezabúdajte na nezmyselné opatrenia a hádky v čase pandémie či obmedzovanie slobody názoru, zhromažďovania sa. Na vypínanie nepohodlných médií bez rozhodnutia súdov, iba na základe vôle politikov," odkázal občanom na sociálnej sieti.

Opozícia podľa Suska ženie ľudí do ulíc počas horúčav a riskuje tak ich zdravie. "Nenechajte sa zahnať do pekla emócii a nízkych pudov, hoci časť opozície ide za výdatnej asistencie médií a umelcov podľa osvedčeného manuálu," dodal.

Tisíce ľudí v utorok na Námestí SNP v Bratislave protestovali proti krokom vládneho kabinetu. Kritizovali aktuálnu situáciu v kultúre, personálne zmeny v kultúrnych inštitúciách a vyjadrili aj obavy o právny štát. Rečníci okrem iného vyčítali ministrovi spravodlivosti rozhodnutie podať dovolanie a pustiť bývalého špeciálneho prokurátora Dušana Kováčika z väzenia. Za zhromaždením stáli opozičné hnutie PS a strana SaS.

01 - Modified: 2024-08-13 14:25:29 - Feat.: 1 - Title: Nová protestná sezóna sa začína v oklieštenej zostave: Liberálne duo nechce výpomoc 02 - Modified: 2024-08-13 13:41:15 - Feat.: 1 - Title: Pre veľké kauzy po Šúrekovi našli náhradníka. Ten namieta, že je zaujatý voči Kováčikovi aj Gašparovi 03 - Modified: 2024-08-12 15:30:00 - Feat.: 1 - Title: KOMENTÁR: Odkázaní na Danka. Toto je pravá tvár SNS 04 - Modified: 2024-08-11 14:22:42 - Feat.: 1 - Title: "Nový minister, nové vedenie." Danko stojí za Šimkovičovou. O výmene šéfa národného múzea bude diskusia 05 - Modified: 2024-08-10 13:22:03 - Feat.: 0 - Title: Odvolávanie, prepúšťanie a rušenie, plus výborný futbal
01 - Modified: 2024-10-10 17:30:13 - Feat.: - Title: Ide horúci týždeň, rodičia sú v strehu. Učitelia sa dohadujú, či štrajkovať. Čo rozhodne? (otázky a odpovede) 02 - Modified: 2024-10-08 12:46:09 - Feat.: - Title: Ruská opozičná aktivistka si na súde na protest proti rozsudku porezala žily 03 - Modified: 2024-10-05 06:44:21 - Feat.: - Title: Prezident "pošľapal slobodu". Ľudia v Tunisku protestovali pred prezidentskými voľbami proti represiám 04 - Modified: 2024-09-27 16:07:00 - Feat.: - Title: Generálna prokuratúra podala protesty proti stanoviskám poisťovní, ktoré nedali súhlas na úhradu lieku 05 - Modified: 2024-09-19 13:43:17 - Feat.: - Title: Ako vyzeralo stretnutie vplyvných sudcov z V4 v Bratislave? Kritika Bruselu aj nedorozumenie

\u00da\u010dastn\u00edci protestn\u00e9ho zhroma\u017edenia, ktor\u00e9 zorganizovali opozi\u010dn\u00e9 strany Progres\u00edvne Slovensko (PS) a Sloboda a solidarita (SaS). FOTO: TASR\/Jakub Kotian<\/p>"],"incptvocmimagegalleryImageFocus":["50:50"],"incptvocmimagegalleryImageDimensions":[{"size0":"1620x1080","k_4564805_1280.jpg":"1280x1280","k_4564805_1024.jpg":"1024x1024","k_4564805_640.jpg":"640x640","k_4564805_480.jpg":"480x480","k_4564805_340.jpg":"340x340","k_4564805_220.jpg":"220x220","h_4564805_1280.jpg":"1280x854","h_4564805_1024.jpg":"1024x683","h_4564805_640.jpg":"640x427","h_4564805_480.jpg":"480x320","h_4564805_340.jpg":"340x227","h_4564805_220.jpg":"220x147","d_4564805_1280.jpg":"1280x640","d_4564805_1024.jpg":"1024x512","d_4564805_640.jpg":"640x320","d_4564805_480.jpg":"480x240","d_4564805_340.jpg":"340x170","d_4564805_220.jpg":"220x110","bp_4564805_1280.jpg":"1280x1860","bp_4564805_1024.jpg":"1024x1488","bp_4564805_640.jpg":"640x930","bp_4564805_480.jpg":"480x697","bp_4564805_340.jpg":"340x494","bp_4564805_220.jpg":"220x320","o_4564805_1280.jpg":"1280x853","o_4564805_1024.jpg":"1024x682","o_4564805_640.jpg":"640x426","o_4564805_480.jpg":"480x320","o_4564805_340.jpg":"340x226","o_4564805_220.jpg":"220x146"}],"incptvocmimagegalleryImageUseInGallery":["1"]}

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Účastníci protestného zhromaždenia, ktoré zorganizovali opozičné strany Progresívne Slovensko (PS) a Sloboda a solidarita (SaS). FOTO: TASR/Jakub Kotian

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12. október 2024 14:30